

Very unlikely Very likely
1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5

Discover. Analyse. Visualise.

Unlock the secrets of your text data with FreeTxt

Bilingual: Crafted for both English and Welsh

Instant: Upload, analyse and extract patterns from any text data

Understand: Discover the core sentiment of your text data

Summaries: Cut through the noise with concise reports

Visual: Experience data in stunning visual formats

FreeTxt was developed as part of an AHRC funded collaborative FreeTxt supporting bilingual free-text survey and questionnaire data analysis research project involving colleagues from Cardiff University and Lancaster University (Grant Number AH/W004844/1).

The team included PI - Dawn Knight; CIs - Paul Rayson, Mo El-Haj; RAs - Nouran Khallaf, Ignatius Ezeani, and Steve Morris. The Project Advisory Group included representatives from: National Trust Wales, Cadw, Museum Wales, CBAC | WJEC and National Centre for Learning Welsh.

For further information on the FreeTxt project please contact the project team:

FreeTxt is licensed under Apache 2.0 and thus is freely available for use by professional communities and individuals with an interest in language analysis. When reporting information analyses derived using FreeTxt, FreeTxt should be appropriately acknowledged:

Khallaf, N., Ezeani, I., Knight, D., Rayson, P., El-Haj, M. and Morris, S. (2023). FreeTxt – a bilingual free-text analysis and visualisation toolkit [Software]. Cardiff University and Lancaster University. Available at: